Creative Sound Blaster 16 PCI למכירה בכפר סבא | מחשבים וציוד נלווה כר...

100 ₪
    תמונה 1, Creative Sound Blaster 16 PCI למכירה בכפר סבא | מחשבים וציוד נלווה  כר...
    תמונה 2, Creative Sound Blaster 16 PCI למכירה בכפר סבא | מחשבים וציוד נלווה  כר...
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Sound Blaster 16 provides CD-quality stereo sound with low CPU utilization and great wave-table music that is ideal for home, business, and Internet applications. Sound Blaster 16 allows you to hear the difference, with better sounding music and multimedia in your Windows applications.Full Plug-and-Play support is built in, so setup is "hassle free" for any PC setup. Every signal is processed and mixed with a 16-bit digital audio engine for high quality. Sound Blaster 16 provides support for positional 3D sound technology to provide spacious sound on headphones or 2 speaker configurations. The Sound Blaster 16 is the most affordable Sound Blaster product to date. Get one and hear the difference for yourself.


Creative Sound Blaster 16 PCI

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- כרטיס קול


כפר סבא



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