שונות באחר

שם המשרה : internet modeling
שם החברה : internet modeling
היקף המשרה : עבודה מהבית
שכר : בסיס + עמלות
רכב חברה : ללא
מימון כ. טיסה : ללא
אישור עבודה : לא נדרש
שנות ניסיון : לא נדרש
שפה נדרשת : אנגלית
אתר אינטרנט : http://internetmodeling.com/5723
ארץ : אחר
תחום : שונות
שכר : בסיס + עמלות
סוג מודעה : הצעת עבודה
צור קשר:
הערות או שאלות לגבי המשרה המוצעת:
אני מעוניין לקבל עדכונים, חדשות והטבות מאתר הומלס

Internet Modeling is a premier adult modeling agency recruiting and hiring webcam models for high paying webcam jobs.

We are one of the oldest and most experienced online modeling agencies, representing webcam models since 1998. Our agency recruits for the largest network of adult websites with over five million visitors per day, so our cam models make the most money. We have many immediate webcam job openings for all types of camgirls and camguys, so you can become a webcam model, and start to make money webcam modeling in as little as a few days. Being a webcam model is one of the few jobs where you can make great money from the comfort of your own home while having fun!

Do you want to be a camgirl or camguy, and earn money webcam modeling? We are currently seeking female webcam models, male webcam models, gay webcam models, shemale webcam models, and couples who are needed for webcam work from home full or part time. Webcam model jobs on our high traffic network provide the best opportunity to work at home doing live webcam modeling. Some of our highest paid webcam models have made over $2,000 in a single day!!! This is possible because our cam models do paid shows for many clients at once, and spend very little time in free chat.

If you are already an adult webcam model on another site or network, we offer the highest paying webcam modeling jobs in the industry! For more info on becoming a webcam model and a description of cam jobs available, please see our cam model faq page. If you are ready to get your webcam career started and get paid for webcam shows, apply online using our webcam model application.

We are currently seeking webcam models to work for the largest network of popular adult websites. Qualified candidates will earn $0.80/ minute for each customer in Premium Chat (multiple paying customers are allowed in Premium Chat), and $1.00/minute for Exclusive Chat (only one paying customer is allowed per session). Models also earn a weekly bonus of up to 30%, so if you make $2,000 your net pay for that week would be $2,600.

customer can be in your room at the same time, so if there are 10 customers, you would earn $8.00 per minute. As an average, our webcam models make from $500 to $1,000 per week working 20 to 25 hours, with some models making much more. We have models who have made over $2,000 in a single day, so what you make will depend on you. The odds are, whatever you make with us is more than you would make working as a webcam model anywhere else.

apply now at

visit our facebook fanpage

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