Sales engineer | השפלה והסביבה | עבודה בשיווק ומכירות | אחר

תיאור המשרה

For a company that specializes in planning and execution of integrated engineering projects for manufacturing plants sales engineer is needed Requirements: Knowledge and experience in industrial control, PLC, HMI and SCADA systems Familiarity with Industry 4.0 / Smart plant solutions. Experience in designing and implementing control and automation systems - advantage. Technical background and profound industry experience. Ability to establish meaningful interactions and connect with customers. Ambitious, positive thinking and highly motivated for success. Experience in managing and operating Microsoft systems and Office applications. Ability to work from office, travel across the country and handle customer interactions. * משרה מס׳ #269409 מיועדת לגברים ונשים כאחד

פרטי המשרה


שיווק ומכירות


Sales engineer

אזור עבודה: 

השפלה והסביבה

איש קשר: הודיה
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