Cyber Threat Investigator עבודה בחומרה ותוכנה | אחר

תיאור המשרה

Fidelis Security, the industry innovator in proactive cyber defense solutions, safeguards modern IT environments with unparalleled detection, deception, response, cloud security, and compliance capabilities. We offer full visibility across hybrid environments via rich, dynamic cyber terrain mapping and multi-faceted context and risk assessment. These features help minimize attackable surface areas, automate exposure prevention, threat-detection, and incident response, and provide the context, accuracy, speed, and portability security professionals need to find and neutralize adversaries earlier in the attack lifecycle. With Fidelis Security, organizations remain resilient before and throughout cyber-attacks and emerge stronger and more secure. We are seeking a Junior Threat Researcher to help fuel our cutting-edge NDR and Cloud products that defend organizations from a variety of cyber threats. Responsibilities: Keep up to date on the latest information security threats. Create rules based on CIS benchmarks of various operating systems, to feed our product. Understand tactics and techniques, C2 patterns and indicators of compromise. Create multi-layered countermeasures for the Fidelis Elevate product suite including NDR and cloud. Create rules for our NDR product to detect malicious activities on the network level. Document findings and creating blog posts related to malware analysis and detections. Requirements: Experience authoring rules using YARA/Snort/Suricata and bash scripting. Expert knowledge of network fundamentals and protocols (HTTP, SMTP, DNS, SMB, etc.) is required. Experience with bash/shell scripting. Experience with network and packet analysis using tools such as Wireshark. Previous experience within the cybersecurity industry. Able to work independently on tasks within a team environment. Nice To Haves: Experience working with security benchmarks such as CIS benchmarks. Understanding of the adversary tactics and techniques frameworks. Experience with incident response and documentation is strongly desired. Experience writing malware detection and prevention rules in applications such as Suricata, and YARA. Degree in computer science or equivalent Reverse engineering experience

פרטי המשרה


חומרה ותוכנה


Cyber Threat Investigator

אזור עבודה: 

איש קשר: מור גולדנר
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האתר משמש תווך בין מפרסמים לבין גולשים ואינו אחראי בכל דרך לתוכן או טיב המודעות וההצעות המפורסמות בו. כל ההצעות נמצאות באחריותם הבלעדית של המפרסמים.
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